Recount Text
1. Recount text is a text which has social function to
retell past events experiences for the purpose of
informing and entertaining.
2. A recount text has the following generic
/schematic structure.
Orientations : provides the setting and introduce
Events : tell what happened,
in what sequence
Re- orientation : optional
closure of events
3. Function: to tell past
events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Events are usually
aranged in a
temporal sequence.
4. Types of recount:
a. Personal recount :
retelling of an activity that the
writer/speaker has been personally involve in, such as:
b. Factual recount : recording the particular of an accident,
such as : report of a scientific experiment,
police report , news report,
historical account
c. Imaginative recount :
talking on an imaginary role and giving detail of events.
(Nursahid and Sudarso, 8SMP Panduan Belajar. Primagama)